Our projects
Reception of presentations:
- Reception of presentations is carried out at registration and in the conference halls.
- You need to download and check your presentation a few hours before the start of your speech, our staff will definitely help you.
- The presentation must be in Power Point format (*.ppt)
- If your report contains a video, agree it with the organizers in advance.
- Demonstration of the presentation is carried out exclusively from computers located in the hall.
Member Certificate:
- Membership badges can be collected at the front desk.
- Issuance of participation certificates is carried out at the registration desk after 16.00.
- Coffee breaks are held at the time allotted according to the program.
Rest zone:
- Special spaces for rest and communication are organized for participants. They are in the exhibition area.
Our projects

Release for the conference
UDC code
The title of the article is given in Russian and English.
The authors of the article are indicated in Russian and English
Institutions where the work was performed are indicated in Russian and English
Abstract is given in Russian and English
Key words or phrases are separated from each other by a semicolon. Key words are given in Russian and English.
The text of the article must be typed using the Times New Roman font, size 14, one and a half intervals, observing the margins: left - 30, right - 15, top and bottom - 20 each. Article design in Microsoft Word 1997–2010, file format - doc.
When using illustrations, indicate a link to them in the text. Drawings, photographs and graphics should be placed immediately after the first mention of them. Illustrations inserted into the text must be at least 240 Kb in size, have a number and contain a caption. The volume of the article should not exceed 7 pages of typewritten text.
References and / or lists of references should be drawn up in accordance with GOST 7.0.5-2008. Bibliographic link. General requirements and rules for compilation.
Information about authors
surname, name, patronymic of all authors in full (in Russian and English);
full name of the organization - the place of work of each author in the nominative case, country, city (in Russian and English). If all the authors of the article work in the same institution, it is possible not to indicate the place of work of each author separately;
Email address for each author;
correspondent mailing address for contacts with the authors of the article (you can have one for all authors);
division of the organization;
position, rank, academic degree.
The article is accompanied by electronic copies of a letter from the organization, certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the organization (the letter template for download is below) and an application from the authors (the letter template for download is below).
Illustrations are submitted in the form of electronic files, each of which must be named by the number of the figure (for example: Fig. 1, Fig. 2a, Fig. 2b, etc.). Slides and photos should be in *.jpg, *.tif format with a resolution of 300 dpi at 100% size.
Responsibility for the publication (editing, layout, design) of manuscripts that meet the requirements lies with the editors. The editors reserve the right to make changes to the article. Author's edits cannot be made to the layout of the publication. Manuscripts not accepted for publication will not be returned to the authors.